Activation with coupon code for Resellers

Nowadays, we've removed resellers panel and applied coupon code activation system. Resellers can activate devices with coupon codes. Resellers will have coupon code with credit count and can activate devices as much as the credit count. The previously registered resellers can contact us with our contact info or in contact-us page, then we will send coupon code according to remain credits.
Note: Once activate device, it can't be deactivated, and also activated devices are not traced, so please carefully activate devices
Validate Coupon Code Here
Coupon code is not valid
You need to validate your coupon code here first. You will see if your coupon code is valid, and if it is valid, you will see how many credits are left here
Total Credits: Unknown
Used Credits: Unknown
Remain Credits: Unknown
Activate Device Mac Address Here
Note: You can check expire date of device before activation.
This is not mandatory, but if you are not sure if device is activated or not, then you can check device expire date first.
Mac Address: 52:54:00:12:34:56
Device Expire Date: 2021-10-22
Mac Address is not valid
Mac Address Validated Successfully
Expire Date: 2021-11-26